Abraham Browne
Born 23 Apr 1730 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Parents Joseph Browne and Ann Dawson
Religion: Quaker
Note: Abraham was disowned by the Quakers in 1756 when they charged him with "bearing arms in the war" When a member's offense came to the attention of the Monthly Meeting which was not supposed to happen before one or more Friends had already admonished the offender without success, the meeting would appoint a committee (usually of two solid Friends) to ascertain the facts about the matter reported, and (if the member complained of was guilty) to learn whether he or she was repentant. It the individual did not seem contrite the visiting Friends would labor with him or her in meekness and brotherly compassion, hoping to bring the offender to sincere repentance. If this was successful the Friend would offer a written apology (often called an acknowledgment ) expressing that what he or she had done was contrary to the principles of Friends, that s/he was sorry for it and intended with God's help to behave better in the future. This was also referred to as condemning one's action. There was no shunning involved in disownment; familial and secular relationships continued as before. http://www.quaker.org/disown.html
Married Mary Trotter 29 Mar 1754 West Grove, Chester, Pennsylvania
Died 15 Mar 1822 West Grove, Chester, Pennsylvania
1779 Tax list for Plumstead owning 17 1/2 acres and 1 horse, 1 cow
1782 Property Tax list for Montgomery county: http://newrivernotes.com/va/mont782a.htm
1790 US Census for Bucks County, Pennsylvania page 123
Marriage: Book: Pennsylvania Archives Vol 9 (1880) page 204 Marriages Authorized by the Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends 1682-1756
Book: Proprietary and other Tax Lists for the county of Bucks (Plumstead) for the year 1787 page 774
Mary Trotter
Born 24 Jan 1734 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Parents: Benjamin Trotter and Mary Fisher
Note: Mary was in good standing in the Quaker community and given a certificate to Buckingham Meeting
Died 11 Feb 1802
*Mary Browne
Born 1755 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Married William Mitchell 14 Nov 1776 Friends (Quakers) meeting, Buckingham, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Children: William, Abraham, Phoebe, Benjamin, Mary, Nancy, Hannah, Rebecca, Sarah, Deborah, Daniel
Marriage: Book: Pennsylvania Archives Vol 9 (1880) page 253 Marriages Authorized by the Buckingham Monthly Meeting of Friends 1730-1810
Elizabeth Browne
Born 1756 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Married John Shaw 17 Oct 1782 Friends (Quakers) meeting, Buckingham, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Children: Susannah, Mary, Jonathan, Benjamin, Sarah, Jane, Joseph, Rebecca
Marriage: Book: Pennsylvania Archives Vol 9 (1880) page 253 Marriages Authorized by the Buckingham Monthly Meeting of Friends 1730-1810
Dinah Browne
Born 1758 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Married Isaiah Williams 14 Oct 1784 Friends (Quakers) meeting, Buckingham, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Children: Martha, Mary
Marriage: Book: Pennsylvania Archives Vol 9 (1880) page 253 Marriages Authorized by the Buckingham Monthly Meeting of Friends 1730-1810
Rebecca Browne
Born 1762 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
No record of marriage
Ancestral File
Joseph Browne
Born 4 Apr 1762 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Married 1) Elizabeth Michener 1785 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Children: Sarah, Mary, Rebecca, Benjamin, Rachel, Deborah, Elizabeth, Tabitha, Joseph, Rebecca, Esther, Hannah
Note: Joseph and Elizabeth with children, Sarah and Mary were granted a certificate of removal from Buckingham MM to New Garden MM 7 May 1787
2) Elizabeth Weis
Died 5 May 1851 Pennsylvania
1790 US Census for Bucks County, Pennsylvania page 193
Abraham Browne
Born 1763 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Married Rebecca Black 20 Oct 1791 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Ancestral File
Hannah Browne
Born 1765 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
No record of marriage
Died 1816
Ancestral File
Benjamin Browne
Born 1766 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
Married Anne Sebring 1790 Plumstead, Bucks, Pennsylvania
1790 US Census for Bucks County, Pennsylvania page 129
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