Friday, January 8, 2010

Bradley Plain, Hamp, England does not exist!


Every genealogist's nightmare has come to haunt the Ogden family. If you have any of the Ogden family coming from Bradley Plain in Hampshire England, do not use the information.

From Wikipedia's article on Gustav Anjou (infamous forger of genealogies):

His (Gustav Anjou a.k.a. Gustav Ludwig Jungberg) reference to Bradley Plain in connection with the Ogden family is an excellent example of his fakery. The Ogden family do not come from there, that is certain, and the records which he cites do not exist. There is not actually a parish of that name in Hampshire!

Note:  There is a Bradley, Hampshire, which I pass on from the comments section.  Do not confuse Bradley, Hampshire, with what Anjou claimed.

If you have used the following book as a source, be aware that some of the information is FALSE:

John Ogden, the Pilgrim and his descendants 1640-1906 Their history, biography, and genealogy Compiled by William Ogden Wheeler

I will continue to search for more information (the correct information) and when I do find some, I will share it, but if you already have it, please share it with me so we can stop the misinformation!

Here is a gem I found that deals with serious researchers who are looking into the problem:


  1. Thanks for the waring Michelle. Can you pass on what you do know?

  2. I have passed the information on as far as the members of the Ogden family go. If you are looking for a particular Ogden, you'll have to type in the name of the person to do a search on this blog.

    There are other family lines infected - I know he has been cited on my Taylor line as well, but I haven't been working on that line.

    I do not know every name/line that his lies have corrupted. Wikipedia does mention more, but I have forgotten (it was three years ago I was working the Ogden line) Just be wary of information that cites his name as a reference and try to find other references to back up any claims he has made.

  3. I am not going to defend Anjou, however there is a Bradley, Hampshire England!!!

    1. But is it just Bradley, Hampshire or Bradley Plain? He claimed it was a Parish and the Ogden's were christened there.
